2023 Winners and Photos

Thank you so much for participating this year and we look forward to seeing you next year!

Here’s the rundown of our tournament winners:

1st place: Altec Supplies - Talk Birdie to Me ( Mitchell Vinson, Jason "Cheese" Smith, Mike Cole, Bryant Argent)

2nd place: Balch and Bingham ( Kevin McNamee, Jorge Marcano, Nick Hall, Trent Weaver)

3rd place: Talon Hiring ( Tommy Barton, Ed Kinzer, Parker Kinzer, Tim Stanfield)

Putting Contest (Sponsored by Mayer Electric) : Anthony Blake (M & C Tech)

Longest drive  Hole #1 :Gregg Adcock- Miller Valve

Straightest drive  Hole #4: Shannon Nivens _ Thompson

Closest to the Pin  Hole #5 (Sponsored by Alabama Coal Cooperative : Bill Burton (Sunbelt Rents)

Closest to the Pin  Hole #8 (Sponsored by CAVCO, INC)  : John McVey (Whisenant)

Closest to the Pin #15 (Sponsored by TriNova) : Tim Standfield  (Talon Hiring)

Closest to the Pin #17 (Sponsored by ESC Spectrum) : Brandon Smith ( Sunbelt Rents)

Poker Run Winner: Nick Martin  - CAVCO, INC


Group photos and Event Photos: 2023 E C Gaston Golf Tournament Photo Album 24th Annual Christmas Wish Tournament




Thank You to our Sponsors

"If you watch a game, it's fun. If you play it, it's recreation. If you work at it, it's golf."